MyLife InFocus
Randa Branson
InFocus Advocacy Consultant
Considering how long my life has been, I suppose I should start at the beginning of my story. At the beginning of my life, I faced challenges due to disabling conditions that I was born with. These conditions include cerebral palsy and asthma, as well as complications like hydrocephalus that occurred with being born premature. These conditions required 15 to 20 surgeries to help alleviate associated complications.
I know that when you first hear of my diagnoses, you may be thinking that those disabilities are huge mountains to overcome. While there are many difficulties associated with these disabilities, I didn’t let them stop me from pursuing my dreams. I have been involved in sports throughout my life and I still rock climb, swim, play wheelchair rugby and wheelchair tennis. I enjoy being active and serving the community at the same time. That is ultimately how I stumbled upon my passion for the field of Therapeutic Recreation and the InFocus Advocacy organization. These passions and current pursuits help me combine my life experiences of living with a disability and my love of sports and recreation. To pursue these important activities and life goals the way I would like, I will need to attend graduate school and complete a masters program in the field. While it is surely a big hurdle to overcome, I am up to the task. I haven't let anything stop me yet!